union made yard signs

Union Made Yard Signs

Low prices on union printed campaign signs with fast Production Times!

We print Union Made Corrugated Yard Signs, Polybag ard Signs & Polycoated Card Boards. Optional union bug are at no additional cost .

Fast Shipping

Our Standard production for our long-run union-made corrugated yard signs (100 +) is 3-5 business days, with rush options available (depending on plant work load).

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Lawn Signs Price List
Plastic Yard Signs Price List Pricing for Custom Printed Coroplast

Campaign Signs · Bandit Signs · Real Estate Signs · Security & Warning Signs · Service Industry Signs · Political Signs

yard sign
  1. Super-Fast Production & Shipping
    Eleven plants in the USA and one in Canada strategically placed for lightning-fast full color yard signs anywhere you want them in North America.
  2. Reputable Company with great customer service
    — See our customer reviews on Google!Google Reviews
  3. Custom Printed in Nearly Any Nearly Size!
    up to 4 foot x 8 foot
    (48 in x 96 in)

Click Tabs Below for Size Options


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union made yard signs

Union Made Yard Signs
Union Bug Optional at No Extra Charge

24″ x 18″
 2 Foot x 1½ Foot
  (This is the Most Common Yard Sign Size)  

Corrugated Plastic Yard Signs (4mm Coroplast)
Standard Production Time: Average of 4-6 Business Days, (depending on current workload)
Rush Options:   4-Day Production - add 25%   •   3-Day Production - add 35%   •   2-DayProduction - add 50%
24″ x 18″  Yard Signs  •  Cost Per Sign Wire Frames
1 Color Printing 2 Color Printing FULL Color Printing
1-Sided 2-Sided 1-Sided 2-Sided 1-Sided 2-Sided Lowest $
BEST Wires
Ground Busters
1 - 49 Signs See Short Runs See Short Runs See Short Runs
50 $6.23 $7.28 $6.28 $7.33 $6.28 $7.35 $1.29 $1.34 $1.45
100 $4.51 $4.93 $4.56 $4.97 $4.84 $5.34 $1.25 $1.29 $1.32
150 $4.17 $4.58 $4.22 $4.62 $4.49 $4.98 $1.22 $1.26 $1.42
200 $3.96 $4.34 $4.00 $4.38 $4.26 $4.72 $1.16 $1.19 $1.42
250 $3.38 $3.79 $3.42 $3.83 $3.98 $4.44 $1.14 $1.17 $1.39
300 $3.26 $3.65 $3.30 $3.68 $3.83 $4.37 $1.13 $1.16 $1.37
350 $3.16 $3.58 $3.19 $3.62 $3.80 $4.33 $1.11 $1.14 $1.34
400 $3.11 $3.56 $3.16 $3.60 $3.77 $4.30 $1.09 $1.12 $1.31
500 $2.49 $2.95 $2.54 $2.99 $3.60 $4.17 $1.06 $1.09 $1.28
750 $2.44 $2.88 $2.48 $2.93 $3.52 $4.04 $1.00 $1.03 $1.20
1,000 $2.22 $2.63 $2.27 $2.66 $3.20 $3.66 $0.91 $0.94 $1.12
1,500 $2.13 $2.49 $2.17 $2.53 $3.09 $3.57 $0.88 $0.91 $1.11
2,000 $2.08 $2.45 $2.11 $2.48 $3.03 $3.50 $0.87 $0.90 $1.09
2,500 $1.97 $2.36 $2.01 $2.40 $2.90 $3.30 $0.82 $0.85 $1.04
3,000 $1.95 $2.33 $1.98 $2.37 $2.89 $3.29 $0.81 $0.84 $1.02
3,500 $1.93 $2.33 $1.97 $2.37 $2.89 $3.28 $0.80 $0.83 $1.00
4,000 $1.92 $2.32 $1.96 $2.36 $2.88 $3.27 $0.79 $0.82 $0.99
5,000 $1.89 $2.26 $1.93 $2.30 $2.83 $3.25 $0.77 $0.77 $0.98
Standard Production Time: 4-6 Business Days (estimated) (Rush Options available - Depending on Plant Workload)
Pricing on this price schedule are made exclusively at our Iowa Plant (shipping not included in pricing)

Ink Colors: Full color yard signs can be printed with photos, and/or any CMYK color hues without paying extra.
1-2 Color Pricing based on standard ink colors. Non-standard ink colors - add $80.00 each.
Exact color matching is not guaranteed. Pantone Solid Colors are generally printed digitally in CMYK. Some Pantone Solid colors do not have a CMYK equivalent that is close in color. If you want to match a Pantone Solid Color that does not translate well to CMYK, your signs can be printed Silk Screen in the specified Pantone Solid Color(by custom quote).

If your design prints to the edges (bleeds) add 8% to the pricing above.
If your sign does not bleed there needs to be a 0.75″ white border around the perimeter of your sign (all 4 sides).
NOTE: Signs are slightly under-cut in size to achieve full bleed, so if the signs fit into a frame
and have to be cut exactly to size we need to know in advance. May or may not effect pricing.

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union made yard signs

Union Made Yard Signs
Union Bug Optional at No Extra Charge

18″ x 12″
Mini-Size Yard Sign:  1½ Foot x 1 Foot

Corrugated Plastic Yard Signs (4mm Coroplast)
Standard Production Time: Average of 4-6 Business Days, (depending on current workload)
Rush Options:   4-Day Production - add 25%   •   3-Day Production - add 35%   •   2-DayProduction - add 50%
18″ x 12″  Yard Signs  •  Cost Per Sign Wire Frames
1 Color Printing 2 Color Printing FULL Color Printing
Quantity 1-Sided 2-Sided 1-Sided 2-Sided 1-Sided 1-Sided Lowest $
BEST Wires
Ground Buster
1 - 49 Signs See Short Runs See Short Runs See Short Runs
50 $4.22 $4.80 $4.25 $4.85 $4.25 $4.86 $1.29 $1.34 $1.45
100 $2.99 $3.79 $3.04 $3.84 $3.44 $3.88 $1.25 $1.29 $1.32
150 $2.79 $3.51 $2.84 $3.55 $3.21 $3.59 $1.22 $1.26 $1.42
200 $2.63 $3.34 $2.68 $3.38 $3.03 $3.42 $1.16 $1.19 $1.42
250 $2.16 $2.75 $2.21 $2.79 $2.21 $2.96 $1.14 $1.17 $1.39
300 $2.10 $2.66 $2.14 $2.70 $2.14 $2.86 $1.13 $1.16 $1.37
350 $2.05 $2.58 $2.09 $2.62 $2.09 $2.77 $1.11 $1.14 $1.34
400 $1.99 $2.52 $2.03 $2.56 $2.03 $2.70 $1.09 $1.12 $1.31
500 $1.56 $1.84 $1.60 $1.87 $1.85 $2.59 $1.06 $1.09 $1.28
750 $1.44 $1.72 $1.47 $1.76 $1.73 $2.53 $1.00 $1.03 $1.20
1,000 $1.25 $1.62 $1.30 $1.67 $1.67 $2.34 $0.91 $0.94 $1.12
1,500 $1.23 $1.59 $1.27 $1.63 $1.63 $2.23 $0.88 $0.91 $1.11
2,000 $1.21 $1.54 $1.25 $1.58 $1.58 $2.19 $0.87 $0.90 $1.09
2,500 $1.15 $1.42 $1.18 $1.46 $1.52 $2.13 $0.82 $0.85 $1.04
3,000 $1.11 $1.41 $1.15 $1.44 $1.51 $2.10 $0.81 $0.84 $1.02
3,500 $1.10 $1.39 $1.14 $1.43 $1.49 $2.09 $0.80 $0.83 $1.00
4,000 $1.09 $1.38 $1.13 $1.42 $1.48 $2.08 $0.79 $0.82 $0.99
5,000 $1.06 $1.35 $1.10 $1.38 $1.45 $2.05 $0.77 $0.80 $0.98
Standard Production Time: 4-6 Business Days (estimated) (Rush Options available - Depending on Plant Workload)
Pricing on this price schedule are made exclusively at our Iowa Plant (shipping not included in pricing)

Ink Colors: Full color yard signs can be printed with photos, and/or any CMYK color hues without paying extra.
1-2 Color Pricing based on standard ink colors. Non-standard ink colors - add $80.00 each.
Exact color matching is not guaranteed. Pantone Solid Colors are generally printed digitally in CMYK. Some Pantone Solid colors do not have a CMYK equivalent that is close in color. If you want to match a Pantone Solid Color that does not translate well to CMYK, your signs can be printed Silk Screen in the specified Pantone Solid Color(by custom quote).

If your design prints to the edges (bleeds) add 8% to the pricing above.
If your sign does not bleed there needs to be a 0.75″ white border around the perimeter of your sign (all 4 sides).
NOTE: Signs are slightly under-cut in size to achieve full bleed, so if the signs fit into a frame
and have to be cut exactly to size we need to know in advance. May or may not effect pricing.

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union made yard signs

Union Made Yard Signs
Union Bug Optional at No Extra Charge

24″ x 12″
2 Foot x 1 Foot

Corrugated Plastic Yard Signs (4mm Coroplast)
Standard Production Time: Average of 4-6 Business Days, (depending on current workload)
Rush Options:   4-Day Production - add 25%   •   3-Day Production - add 35%   •   2-DayProduction - add 50%
24″ x 12″  Yard Signs  •  Cost Per Sign Wire Frames
1 Color Printing 2 Color Printing FULL Color Printing
Quantity 1-Sided 2-Sided 1-Sided 2-Sided 1-Sided 2-Sided Lowest $
BEST Wires
Ground Buster
1 - 49 Signs See Short Runs See Short Runs See Short Runs
50 $4.76 $5.80 $4.81 $5.85 $5.85 $5.87 $1.29 $1.34 $1.45
100 $4.03 $4.62 $4.08 $4.67 $4.67 $5.03 $1.25 $1.29 $1.32
150 $3.73 $4.27 $3.77 $4.32 $4.32 $4.67 $1.22 $1.26 $1.42
200 $3.55 $4.06 $3.59 $4.09 $4.09 $4.43 $1.16 $1.19 $1.42
250 $2.58 $2.92 $2.62 $2.96 $2.96 $3.66 $1.14 $1.17 $1.39
300 $2.50 $2.82 $2.54 $2.86 $2.86 $3.52 $1.13 $1.16 $1.37
350 $2.42 $2.74 $2.47 $2.78 $2.78 $3.43 $1.11 $1.14 $1.34
400 $2.37 $2.67 $2.40 $2.70 $2.70 $3.41 $1.09 $1.12 $1.31
500 $2.08 $2.32 $2.11 $2.36 $2.36 $3.09 $1.06 $1.09 $1.28
750 $1.99 $2.27 $2.03 $2.31 $2.31 $3.02 $1.00 $1.03 $1.20
1,000 $1.81 $2.18 $1.85 $2.22 $2.22 $2.85 $0.91 $0.94 $1.12
1,500 $1.77 $2.10 $1.81 $2.13 $2.13 $2.72 $0.88 $0.91 $1.11
2,000 $1.69 $2.04 $1.72 $2.08 $2.08 $2.67 $0.87 $0.90 $1.09
2,500 $1.58 $1.98 $1.61 $2.02 $2.02 $2.38 $0.82 $0.85 $1.04
3,000 $1.56 $1.96 $1.60 $2.00 $2.00 $2.35 $0.81 $0.84 $1.02
3,500 $1.54 $1.94 $1.58 $1.98 $1.98 $2.35 $0.80 $0.83 $1.00
4,000 $1.53 $1.94 $1.56 $1.97 $1.97 $2.34 $0.79 $0.82 $0.99
5,000 $1.50 $1.90 $1.54 $1.94 $1.94 $2.31 $0.77 $0.80 $0.98
Standard Production Time: 4-6 Business Days (estimated) (Rush Options available - Depending on Plant Workload)
Pricing on this price schedule are made exclusively at our Iowa Plant (shipping not included in pricing)

Ink Colors: Full color yard signs can be printed with photos, and/or any CMYK color hues without paying extra.
1-2 Color Pricing based on standard ink colors. Non-standard ink colors - add $80.00 each.
Exact color matching is not guaranteed. Pantone Solid Colors are generally printed digitally in CMYK. Some Pantone Solid colors do not have a CMYK equivalent that is close in color. If you want to match a Pantone Solid Color that does not translate well to CMYK, your signs can be printed Silk Screen in the specified Pantone Solid Color(by custom quote).

If your design prints to the edges (bleeds) add 8% to the pricing above.
If your sign does not bleed there needs to be a 0.75″ white border around the perimeter of your sign (all 4 sides).
NOTE: Signs are slightly under-cut in size to achieve full bleed, so if the signs fit into a frame
and have to be cut exactly to size we need to know in advance. May or may not effect pricing.

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union made yard signs

Union Made Yard Signs
Union Bug Optional at No Extra Charge

24″ x 16″

Corrugated Plastic Yard Signs (4mm Coroplast)
Standard Production Time: Average of 4-6 Business Days, (depending on current workload)
Rush Options:   4-Day Production - add 25%   •   3-Day Production - add 35%   •   2-DayProduction - add 50%
24″ x 16″  Yard Signs  •  Cost Per Sign Wire Frames
2 size options
1 Color Printing 2 Color Printing FULL Color Printing
Quantity 1-Sided 2-Sided 1-Sided 2-Sided 1-Sided 2-Sided 24″ 30″
1 - 49 See Short Runs See Short Runs See Short Runs
50 $6.11 $7.16 $6.16 $7.21 $6.16 $7.24 $1.29 $1.45
100 $4.37 $4.80 $4.42 $4.84 $4.74 $5.24 $1.25 $1.32
150 $4.04 $4.45 $4.08 $4.49 $4.39 $4.88 $1.22 $1.42
200 $3.84 $4.22 $3.88 $4.26 $4.16 $4.63 $1.16 $1.42
250 $3.27 $3.68 $3.31 $3.72 $3.88 $4.35 $1.14 $1.39
300 $3.16 $3.55 $3.20 $3.59 $3.73 $4.25 $1.13 $1.37
350 $3.06 $3.47 $3.10 $3.51 $3.68 $4.22 $1.11 $1.34
400 $3.00 $3.44 $3.04 $3.48 $3.66 $4.19 $1.09 $1.31
500 $2.35 $2.82 $2.39 $2.86 $3.50 $4.07 $1.06 $1.28
750 $2.30 $2.76 $2.34 $2.80 $3.43 $3.95 $1.00 $1.20
1,000 $2.11 $2.52 $2.15 $2.56 $3.11 $3.55 $0.91 $1.12
1,500 $2.04 $2.38 $2.08 $2.42 $2.99 $3.47 $0.88 $1.11
2,000 $1.97 $2.34 $2.01 $2.38 $2.93 $3.40 $0.87 $1.09
2,500 $1.87 $2.26 $1.91 $2.30 $2.81 $3.19 $0.82 $1.04
3,000 $1.85 $2.23 $1.89 $2.27 $2.80 $3.19 $0.81 $1.02
3,500 $1.83 $2.23 $1.86 $2.26 $2.80 $3.18 $0.80 $1.00
4,000 $1.82 $2.22 $1.86 $2.26 $2.79 $3.17 $0.79 $0.99
5,000 $1.79 $2.16 $1.83 $2.20 $2.74 $3.14 $0.77 $0.98
Standard Production Time: 4-6 Business Days (estimated) (Rush Options available - Depending on Plant Workload)
Pricing on this price schedule are made exclusively at our Iowa Plant (shipping not included in pricing)

Ink Colors: Full color yard signs can be printed with photos, and/or any CMYK color hues without paying extra.
1-2 Color Pricing based on standard ink colors. Non-standard ink colors - add $80.00 each.
Exact color matching is not guaranteed. Pantone Solid Colors are generally printed digitally in CMYK. Some Pantone Solid colors do not have a CMYK equivalent that is close in color. If you want to match a Pantone Solid Color that does not translate well to CMYK, your signs can be printed Silk Screen in the specified Pantone Solid Color(by custom quote).

If your design prints to the edges (bleeds) add 8% to the pricing above.
If your sign does not bleed there needs to be a 0.75″ white border around the perimeter of your sign (all 4 sides).
NOTE: Signs are slightly under-cut in size to achieve full bleed, so if the signs fit into a frame
and have to be cut exactly to size we need to know in advance. May or may not effect pricing.

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union made yard signs

Union Made Yard Signs
Union Bug Optional at No Extra Charge

36″ x 24″
Yard Sign:  3 Foot x 2 Foot

Corrugated Plastic Yard Signs (4mm Coroplast)
Standard Production Time: Average of 4-6 Business Days, (depending on current workload)
Rush Options:   4-Day Production - add 25%   •   3-Day Production - add 35%   •   2-DayProduction - add 50%
36″ x 24″  Yard Signs  •  Cost Per Sign Wire Frames
2/Sign Recommended
for 36 x 24 Signs
1 Color Printing 2 Color Printing FULL Color Printing
Quantity 1-Sided 2-Sided 1-Sided 2-Sided 1-Sided 2-Sided 24″ 30″
1 - 24 See also Short Runs See also Short Runs See also Short Runs
25 - 49 $13.97 $17.65 $14.01 $17.70 $14.01 $17.75 $1.35 $1.65
50 $10.27 $12.98 $10.32 $13.03 $10.32 $13.06 $1.29 $1.45
100 $8.53 $9.65 $8.57 $9.69 $9.03 $11.36 $1.25 $1.32
150 $7.90 $9.13 $7.94 $9.17 $8.44 $11.10 $1.22 $1.42
200 $7.78 $8.99 $7.82 $9.03 $8.31 $10.92 $1.16 $1.42
250 $5.49 $7.11 $5.53 $7.15 $7.36 $7.82 $1.14 $1.39
300 $5.44 $7.04 $5.48 $7.08 $7.29 $7.75 $1.13 $1.37
350 $5.39 $7.00 $5.43 $7.04 $7.25 $7.68 $1.11 $1.34
400 $5.35 $6.92 $5.39 $6.96 $7.15 $7.55 $1.09 $1.31
500 $5.22 $5.69 $5.26 $5.73 $6.64 $6.90 $1.06 $1.28
750 $4.95 $5.42 $4.99 $5.45 $6.45 $6.74 $1.00 $1.20
1,000 $4.64 $4.92 $4.68 $4.96 $4.68 $5.85 $0.91 $1.12
1,500 $4.51 $4.80 $4.55 $4.84 $4.55 $5.76 $0.88 $1.11
2,000 $4.49 $4.78 $4.53 $4.82 $4.53 $5.74 $0.87 $1.09
2,500 $4.36 $4.72 $4.40 $4.76 $4.40 $5.67 $0.82 $1.04
3,000 $4.35 $4.71 $4.39 $4.74 $4.39 $5.64 $0.81 $1.02
3,500 $4.33 $4.69 $4.37 $4.73 $4.37 $5.59 $0.80 $1.00
4,000 $4.31 $4.65 $4.35 $4.68 $4.35 $5.57 $0.79 $0.99
5,000 $4.15 $4.60 $4.19 $4.63 $4.19 $5.52 $0.77 $0.98
Standard Production Time: 4-6 Business Days (estimated) (Rush Options available - Depending on Plant Workload)
Pricing on this price schedule are made exclusively at our Iowa Plant (shipping not included in pricing)

Ink Colors: Full color yard signs can be printed with photos, and/or any CMYK color hues without paying extra.
1-2 Color Pricing based on standard ink colors. Non-standard ink colors - add $80.00 each.
Exact color matching is not guaranteed. Pantone Solid Colors are generally printed digitally in CMYK. Some Pantone Solid colors do not have a CMYK equivalent that is close in color. If you want to match a Pantone Solid Color that does not translate well to CMYK, your signs can be printed Silk Screen in the specified Pantone Solid Color(by custom quote).

If your design prints to the edges (bleeds) add 8% to the pricing above.
If your sign does not bleed there needs to be a 0.75″ white border around the perimeter of your sign (all 4 sides).
NOTE: Signs are slightly under-cut in size to achieve full bleed, so if the signs fit into a frame
and have to be cut exactly to size we need to know in advance. May or may not effect pricing.

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48″ x 24″
Corrugated Plastic Yard Signs (4mm Coroplast)
Large Yard Sign:  4 Foot x 2 Foot

Standard Production Time: Average of 4-6 Business Days, (depending on current workload)
Rush Options:   4-Day Production - add 25%   •   3-Day Production - add 35%   •   2-DayProduction - add 50%
48″ x 24″  Yard Signs  •  Cost Per Sign Wire Frames
2/Sign Recommended
for 48 x 24 Signs
1 Color Printing 2 Color Printing FULL Color Printing
Quantity 1-Sided 2-Sided 1-Sided 2-Sided 1-Sided 2-Sided 24″ 30″
1 $92.50 $104.89 $92.57 $104.96 $92.57 $105.26 1.43 1.65
5 $34.70 $40.77 $34.75 $40.80 $34.75 $40.92 1.41 1.63
10 $21.39 $24.79 $21.42 $24.84 $21.42 $24.91 1.39 1.59
25 $15.27 $17.74 $15.32 $17.79 $15.32 $17.84 1.31 1.49
50 $11.75 $15.16 $11.79 $15.20 $11.79 $15.24 $1.25 $1.45
100 $9.69 $11.18 $9.73 $11.22 $10.18 $12.79 $1.12 $1.32
150 $9.17 $10.90 $9.21 $10.94 $9.72 $12.52 $1.22 $1.42
200 $9.03 $10.72 $9.07 $10.77 $9.57 $12.35 $1.16 $1.42
250 $7.56 $9.36 $7.60 $9.40 $8.78 $11.53 $1.14 $1.39
300 $7.48 $9.24 $7.53 $9.28 $8.71 $11.17 $1.13 $1.37
350 $7.43 $9.03 $7.47 $9.06 $8.55 $11.02 $1.11 $1.34
400 $7.32 $8.83 $7.36 $8.87 $8.34 $10.94 $1.09 $1.31
500 $6.29 $7.57 $6.32 $7.60 $8.11 $9.33 $1.06 $1.28
750 $6.06 $7.38 $6.10 $7.42 $7.90 $9.08 $1.00 $1.20
1,000 $5.78 $6.53 $5.82 $6.56 $7.03 $8.49 $0.91 $1.12
1,500 $5.69 $6.48 $5.73 $6.52 $6.99 $8.44 $0.88 $1.11
2,000 $5.67 $6.45 $5.71 $6.49 $6.95 $8.38 $0.87 $1.09
2,500 $5.54 $6.33 $5.58 $6.37 $6.79 $8.19 $0.82 $1.04
3,000 $5.52 $6.26 $5.55 $6.30 $6.72 $8.17 $0.81 $1.02
3,500 $5.46 $6.24 $5.49 $6.28 $6.70 $8.15 $0.80 $1.00
4,000 $5.44 $6.22 $5.48 $6.26 $6.69 $8.14 $0.79 $0.99
5,000 $5.40 $6.18 $5.44 $6.22 $5.83 $8.05 $0.77 $0.98
Standard Production Time: 4-6 Business Days (Rush Options available - Depending on Plant Workload)
Pricing on this price schedule are made exclusively at our Iowa Plant (shipping not included in pricing)

Ink Colors: Full color yard signs can be printed with photos, and/or any CMYK color hues without paying extra.
1-2 Color Pricing based on standard ink colors. Non-standard ink colors - add $80.00 each.
Exact color matching is not guaranteed. Pantone Solid Colors are generally printed digitally in CMYK. Some Pantone Solid colors do not have a CMYK equivalent that is close in color. If you want to match a Pantone Solid Color that does not translate well to CMYK, your signs can be printed Silk Screen in the specified Pantone Solid Color(by custom quote).

If your design prints to the edges (bleeds) add 8% to the pricing above.
If your sign does not bleed there needs to be a 0.75″ white border around the perimeter of your sign (all 4 sides).

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union made yard signs

Union Made Yard Signs
Union Bug Optional at No Extra Charge

48″ x 36″
Corrugated Plastic Yard Signs (4mm Coroplast)
Large Yard Sign:  4 Foot x 3 Foot

Standard Production Time: Average of 4-6 Business Days, (depending on current workload)
Rush Options:   4-Day Production - add 25%   •   3-Day Production - add 35%   •   2-DayProduction - add 50%
48″ x 36″  Yard Signs  •  Cost Per Sign
1 Color Printing 2 Color Printing FULL Color Printing
Quantity 1-Sided 2-Sided 1-Sided 2-Sided 1-Sided 2-Sided
1 $99.03 $111.63 $99.09 $111.70 $99.09 $112.02
5 $41.20 $46.06 $41.23 $46.11 $41.23 $46.24
10 $29.20 $36.90 $29.25 $36.95 $29.25 $37.05
25 $24.30 $26.73 $24.34 $26.77 $24.34 $26.85
50 $19.31 $20.23 $19.35 $20.27 $20.91 $22.28
100 $14.00 $14.65 $14.04 $14.69 $18.56 $20.90
150 $13.69 $14.33 $13.73 $14.37 $18.15 $20.24
200 $13.48 $14.08 $13.52 $14.11 $17.32 $19.52
250 $11.00 $11.76 $11.04 $11.80 $15.95 $18.11
300 $10.70 $11.38 $10.73 $11.42 $15.78 $17.90
350 $10.48 $11.27 $10.52 $11.31 $15.62 $17.70
400 $10.41 $11.19 $10.44 $11.23 $15.47 $17.58
500 $8.28 $9.47 $8.32 $9.51 $11.72 $16.57
750 $8.06 $9.22 $8.10 $9.26 $11.56 $16.46
1,000 $7.89 $9.07 $7.93 $9.10 $11.31 $15.63
1,500 $7.84 $9.00 $7.87 $9.04 $11.20 $15.38
2,000 $7.79 $8.91 $7.83 $8.95 $11.07 $15.32
2,500 $7.63 $8.76 $7.67 $8.80 $10.56 $14.56
3,000 $7.60 $8.74 $7.64 $8.77 $10.54 $14.50
3,500 $7.59 $8.72 $7.62 $8.76 $10.52 $14.43
4,000 $7.58 $8.71 $7.61 $8.75 $10.49 $14.42
5,000 $7.53 $8.62 $7.57 $8.66 $10.13 $14.28
Standard Production Time: 4-6 Business Days (estimated) (Rush Options available - Depending on Plant Workload)
Pricing on this price schedule are made exclusively at our Iowa Plant (shipping not included in pricing)

Ink Colors: Full color yard signs can be printed with photos, and/or any CMYK color hues without paying extra.
1-2 Color Pricing based on standard ink colors. Non-standard ink colors - add $80.00 each.
Exact color matching is not guaranteed. Pantone Solid Colors are generally printed digitally in CMYK. Some Pantone Solid colors do not have a CMYK equivalent that is close in color. If you want to match a Pantone Solid Color that does not translate well to CMYK, your signs can be printed Silk Screen in the specified Pantone Solid Color(by custom quote).

If your design prints to the edges (bleeds) add 8% to the pricing above.
If your sign does not bleed there needs to be a 0.75″ white border around the perimeter of your sign (all 4 sides).
NOTE: Signs are slightly under-cut in size to achieve full bleed, so if the signs fit into a frame
and have to be cut exactly to size we need to know in advance. May or may not effect pricing.

order printing now
union made yard signs

Union Made Yard Signs
Union Bug Optional at No Extra Charge

48″ x 48″
Large Yard Sign:  4 Foot x 4 Foot

Corrugated Plastic Yard Signs (4mm Coroplast)
Standard Production Time: Average of 4-6 Business Days, (depending on current workload)
Rush Options:   4-Day Production - add 25%   •   3-Day Production - add 35%   •   2-DayProduction - add 50%
48″ x 48″  Yard Signs  •  Cost Per Sign
1 Color Printing 2 Color Printing FULL Color Printing
Quantity 1-Sided 2-Sided 1-Sided 2-Sided 1-Sided 2-Sided
1 $101.00 $113.72 $101.06 $113.79 $101.06 $114.11
5 $42.17 $48.50 $42.20 $48.55 $42.20 $48.69
10 $33.13 $41.27 $33.18 $41.32 $33.18 $41.44
25 $24.64 $29.28 $24.68 $29.32 $24.68 $29.40
50 $21.33 $23.66 $21.37 $23.70 $21.37 $23.77
100 $18.38 $19.98 $18.42 $20.02 $18.58 $21.01
150 $17.98 $19.44 $18.02 $19.48 $18.16 $20.33
200 $17.17 $18.66 $17.20 $18.70 $17.34 $19.63
250 $14.92 $17.57 $14.96 $17.61 $16.36 $18.14
300 $14.77 $17.37 $14.81 $17.41 $16.19 $17.92
350 $14.63 $17.18 $14.67 $17.22 $16.02 $17.72
400 $14.50 $17.03 $14.53 $17.07 $15.86 $17.60
500 $12.68 $14.72 $12.71 $14.76 $12.74 $16.58
750 $12.57 $14.63 $12.60 $14.67 $12.63 $16.48
1,000 $12.21 $14.31 $12.25 $14.35 $12.25 $15.36
1,500 $12.05 $14.07 $12.08 $14.11 $12.08 $15.11
2,000 $11.95 $14.01 $11.98 $14.05 $11.98 $15.05
2,500 $11.54 $13.90 $11.57 $13.94 $11.57 $14.67
3,000 $11.51 $13.85 $11.55 $13.89 $11.55 $14.61
3,500 $11.48 $13.79 $11.52 $13.83 $11.52 $14.54
4,000 $11.44 $13.76 $11.47 $13.80 $11.47 $14.53
5,000 $11.08 $13.30 $11.12 $13.34 $11.12 $14.38
Standard Production Time: 4-6 Business Days (estimated) (Rush Options available - Depending on Plant Workload)
Pricing on this price schedule are made exclusively at our Iowa Plant (shipping not included in pricing)

Ink Colors: Full color yard signs can be printed with photos, and/or any CMYK color hues without paying extra.
1-2 Color Pricing based on standard ink colors. Non-standard ink colors - add $80.00 each.
Exact color matching is not guaranteed. Pantone Solid Colors are generally printed digitally in CMYK. Some Pantone Solid colors do not have a CMYK equivalent that is close in color. If you want to match a Pantone Solid Color that does not translate well to CMYK, your signs can be printed Silk Screen in the specified Pantone Solid Color(by custom quote).

If your design prints to the edges (bleeds) add 8% to the pricing above.
If your sign does not bleed there needs to be a 0.75″ white border around the perimeter of your sign (all 4 sides).
NOTE: Signs are slightly under-cut in size to achieve full bleed, so if the signs fit into a frame
and have to be cut exactly to size we need to know in advance. May or may not effect pricing.

order printing now
union made yard signs

Union Made Yard Signs
Union Bug Optional at No Extra Charge

72″ x 48″
Large Yard Sign:  6 Foot x 4 Foot

Corrugated Plastic Yard Signs (4mm Coroplast)
Standard Production Time: Average of 4-6 Business Days, (depending on current workload)
Rush Options:   4-Day Production - add 25%   •   3-Day Production - add 35%   •   2-DayProduction - add 50%
72″ x 48″ Yard Signs  •  Cost Per Sign
1 Color Printing 2 Color Printing FULL Color Printing
Quantity $-Sided 2-Sided 1-Sided 2-Sided 1-Sided 2-Sided
1 $124.13 $136.23 $124.20 $136.29 $124.20 $136.68
5 $59.84 $76.27 $59.89 $76.32 $59.89 $76.54
10 $48.79 $60.42 $48.84 $60.47 $48.84 $60.64
25 $39.92 $49.47 $39.96 $49.52 $39.96 $49.66
50 $36.51 $42.25 $36.55 $42.29 $36.79 $45.22
100 $29.89 $31.46 $29.93 $31.50 $31.65 $37.27
150 $28.60 $30.31 $28.64 $30.35 $30.52 $36.37
200 $28.07 $29.73 $28.11 $29.77 $29.93 $35.75
250 $24.51 $27.82 $24.55 $27.85 $26.02 $33.36
300 $24.32 $27.74 $24.36 $27.78 $25.93 $33.27
350 $24.26 $27.68 $24.30 $27.72 $25.87 $33.19
400 $24.22 $27.62 $24.25 $27.66 $25.82 $33.11
500 $20.62 $23.78 $20.66 $23.82 $21.66 $28.32
750 $20.47 $23.49 $20.51 $23.53 $21.49 $27.85
1,000 $19.49 $22.64 $19.53 $22.67 $20.09 $25.98
1,500 $19.38 $22.52 $19.42 $22.56 $19.97 $25.85
2,000 $19.31 $22.38 $19.35 $22.42 $19.89 $25.64
2,500 $19.08 $22.18 $19.11 $22.22 $19.69 $25.17
3,000 $19.03 $22.16 $19.07 $22.20 $19.66 $25.14
3,500 $19.02 $22.15 $19.05 $22.18 $19.64 $25.12
4,000 $19.00 $22.13 $19.04 $22.17 $19.63 $25.10
5,000 $18.90 $22.03 $18.94 $22.07 $19.30 $24.53
Standard Production Time: 4-6 Business Days (estimated) (Rush Options available - Depending on Plant Workload)
Pricing on this price schedule are made exclusively at our Iowa Plant (shipping not included in pricing)

Ink Colors: Full color yard signs can be printed with photos, and/or any CMYK color hues without paying extra.
1-2 Color Pricing based on standard ink colors. Non-standard ink colors - add $80.00 each.
Exact color matching is not guaranteed. Pantone Solid Colors are generally printed digitally in CMYK. Some Pantone Solid colors do not have a CMYK equivalent that is close in color. If you want to match a Pantone Solid Color that does not translate well to CMYK, your signs can be printed Silk Screen in the specified Pantone Solid Color(by custom quote).

If your design prints to the edges (bleeds) add 8% to the pricing above.
If your sign does not bleed there needs to be a 0.75″ white border around the perimeter of your sign (all 4 sides).
NOTE: Signs are slightly under-cut in size to achieve full bleed, so if the signs fit into a frame
and have to be cut exactly to size we need to know in advance. May or may not effect pricing.

order printing now
union made yard signs

Union Made Yard Signs
Union Bug Optional at No Extra Charge

96″ x 48″
Large Yard Sign:  8 Foot x 4 Foot
Corrugated Plastic Yard Signs (4mm Coroplast)

Standard Production Time: Average of 4-6 Business Days, (depending on current workload)
Rush Options:   4-Day Production - add 25%   •   3-Day Production - add 35%   •   2-DayProduction - add 50%
48″ x 96″  Yard Signs  •  Cost Per Sign
1 Color Printing 2 Color Printing FULL Color Printing
$Quantity $1-Sided $2-Sided $1-Sided $2-Sided $1-Sided $2-Sided
1 $126.64 $143.02 $126.64 $143.08 $126.64 $143.49
5 $61.80 $78.23 $61.80 $78.28 $61.80 $78.50
10 $48.79 $61.13 $48.79 $61.17 $48.79 $61.35
25 $40.67 $50.22 $40.67 $50.26 $40.67 $50.41
50 $38.05 $46.19 $38.05 $46.23 $38.05 $48.22
100 $33.56 $34.77 $33.28 $34.81 $33.56 $39.87
150 $32.65 $33.98 $32.34 $34.02 $32.65 $38.86
200 $31.98 $33.27 $31.68 $33.31 $31.98 $38.36
250 $27.74 $31.45 $25.62 $31.49 $27.74 $36.07
300 $27.67 $31.37 $25.50 $31.41 $27.67 $35.96
350 $27.60 $31.29 $25.44 $31.33 $27.60 $35.87
400 $27.54 $31.22 $25.39 $31.26 $27.54 $35.78
500 $24.23 $26.10 $24.23 $26.14 $24.23 $31.08
750 $23.91 $25.66 $23.91 $25.69 $23.91 $30.58
1,000 $22.58 $24.87 $22.58 $24.91 $22.58 $28.58
1,500 $22.47 $24.76 $22.47 $24.79 $22.47 $28.39
2,000 $22.33 $24.56 $22.33 $24.60 $22.33 $28.22
2,500 $21.88 $24.42 $21.88 $24.45 $21.88 $27.70
3,000 $21.86 $24.39 $21.86 $24.43 $21.86 $27.68
3,500 $21.85 $24.37 $21.85 $24.41 $21.85 $27.65
4,000 $21.83 $24.35 $21.83 $24.39 $21.83 $27.62
5,000 $21.51 $24.26 $21.51 $24.30 $21.51 $27.03
Standard Production Time: 4-6 Business Days (estimated) (Rush Options available - Depending on Plant Workload)
Pricing on this price schedule are made exclusively at our Iowa Plant (shipping not included in pricing)

Ink Colors: Full color yard signs can be printed with photos, and/or any CMYK color hues without paying extra.
1-2 Color Pricing based on standard ink colors. Non-standard ink colors - add $80.00 each.
Exact color matching is not guaranteed. Pantone Solid Colors are generally printed digitally in CMYK. Some Pantone Solid colors do not have a CMYK equivalent that is close in color. If you want to match a Pantone Solid Color that does not translate well to CMYK, your signs can be printed Silk Screen in the specified Pantone Solid Color(by custom quote).

If your design prints to the edges (bleeds) add 8% to the pricing above.
If your sign does not bleed there needs to be a 0.75″ white border around the perimeter of your sign (all 4 sides).
NOTE: Signs are slightly under-cut in size to achieve full bleed, so if the signs fit into a frame
and have to be cut exactly to size we need to know in advance. May or may not effect pricing.

Click Tabs Below for Size Options

24 hour service
order printing now
free shippingfull color yard signs Standard Size 24″ x 18 ″
Cost Per Sign · FREE Shipping

24 hour production with FREE next-day air shipping
24″ x 18 ″
QTY 1 Sided 2 Sided QTY EACH*
1 $62.00 $62.00 1 $6.10
2 $26.61 $37.05 2 $3.45
3 $25.77 $27.83 3 $3.35
4 $19.70 $21.75 4 $3.75
5 $17.52 $19.55 5 $2.99
10 $13.03 $14.95 10 $2.45
15 $12.54 $14.31 15 $2.40
20 $10.94 $12.65 20 $2.35
25 $10.90 $12.54 25 $2.30
See Long Run Pricing See Long Run Pricing
Production begins once your invoice has been paid, your art checked to confirm that it is print-ready, and your order has been placed into the production queue. First day is usually excluded as the cut-off time is 10am in the time zone of the production facility were your order will be printed.
Free Shipping: Free shipping is for UPS Ground. Expedited shipping, if needed, is at additional cost. Plant pick up is not available. All orders are shipped UPS using our account number, third-party shipping is not available. The last UPS pickup is approx. 8pm local plant time. Orders completed after the last UPS pickup will ship out the following business day. Orders already on the UPS shipping pallets that missed last pickup can not, at that point, be upgraded to expedited shipping.
* H-Stakes: Prices include free shipping. Orders of less than 50 must be ordered with equal quantities of signs. On orders of 50 or more stakes, to receive free shipping, the stakes will be shipped from our Iowa Facility. For rush orders shipping can be adjusted.

order printing now free shipping
full color yard signsOther Standard Sizes Yard Signs Price List
Cost Per Sign · FREE Shipping

24 hour production with FREE next-day air shipping
QTY 18″ x 12″
Yard Signs
36″ x 24″
Yard Signs
46″ x 36″
Yard Signs
1 Sided 2 Sided 1 Sided 2 Sided 1 Sided 2 Sided
1 $55.51 $56.56 $68.63 $72.59 $84.68 $92.51
2 $29.98 $31.01 $43.07 $47.15 $58.86 $66.36
3 $21.44 $22.46 $34.50 $38.49 $49.82 $56.97
4 $16.20 $17.28 $28.37 $32.30 $43.34 $50.22
5 $13.15 $14.16 $26.06 $29.89 $40.56 $47.51
10 $8.76 $9.79 $20.90 $24.55 $34.67 $40.85
15 $8.53 $9.51 $20.16 $23.53 $32.56 $38.39
20 $7.23 $8.12 $18.00 $21.03 $29.43 $34.94
25 $7.25 $8.09 $17.57 $20.35 $28.82 $34.26
Over 25 See Long Run Pricing See Long Run Pricing See Long Run Pricing
Production begins once your invoice has been paid, your art checked to confirm that it is print-ready, and your order has been placed into the production queue. First day is usually excluded as the cut-off time is 10am in the time zone of the production facility were your order will be printed.
Free Shipping: Free shipping is for UPS Ground. Expedited shipping, if needed, is at additional cost. Plant pick up is not available. All orders are shipped UPS using our account number, third-party shipping is not available. The last UPS pickup is approx. 8pm local plant time. Orders completed after the last UPS pickup will ship out the following business day. Orders already on the UPS shipping pallets that missed last pickup can not, at that point, be upgraded to expedited shipping.
* H-Stakes: Prices include free shipping. Orders of less than 50 must be ordered with equal quantities of signs. On orders of 50 or more stakes, to receive free shipping, the stakes will be shipped from our Iowa Facility. For rush orders shipping can be adjusted.

grommets for hanging signs

for Hanging Your Coroplast Signs

Additional Cost
(Add to the Base Cost of the Signs)

Top Corners Only:   Add 60¢ per sign
All Four Corners:   Add 95¢ per sign
order printing now free shipping Stakes for Yard Signs
Cost Per Stake · FREE Shipping

10″ x 30″ H-Stakes (Wire Step Stakes - Yard Sign Wire Stands) Note: 0rders of fewer than 50 stakes are only available when ordering an equal quantity of yard signs
Quantity Cost / Stake
Free Shipping
free shipping h-frame stakes h stake dimensions
1 $6.10
2 $3.45
3 $3.35
4 $3.75
5 $2.99
10 $2.45
15 $2.20
20 $2.35
25 $2.30
$Over 25 $See Long Run Pricing

h-stake details

other size yard signs

Other Yard Sign Sizes

Don't see the size you need?
We offer MANY other standard yard sign sizes not priced on the website!

Other standard yard sign sizes include:
24″ x 6″ (Sign Riders)     •   24″ x 24″   •   32″ x 24″   •   36″ x 24″   •   48″ x 72″
And Many More!
Just contact us for a custom quote.

Real Estate Signs  ·  Election Signs  ·  Security Signs  ·  Event Signs
Special-Shaped Die Cut Yard Signs are also available

They are weather resistant, light weight, and store well for reuse at a later time. The price charts are just some of the available sign sizes. Contact TSOQ Printing for a custom yard sign quote if you need a different size or other custom yard sign.

Yard Sign Printing Plant Locations
TSOQ Printing ships our short-run, full color yard signs from printing plants strategically placed throughout the USA
and one in Canada for rapid yard sign printing and shipping anywhere in North America.

Arlington, TX     ·     Chicago, IL     ·     Dayton, OH     ·     Davenport, IA
Glendale, CA     ·     Kansas City, MO     ·     Los Angeles, CA     ·     Miami, FL
Toronto, ON     ·     Moonachie, NJ     ·     Phoenix, AZ     ·     Seattle, WA

TSOQ Printing
— Your Discount Corrugated Plastic Sign and Yard Signs Printing Source —


Lowest Prices on Yard Signs

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